Continuity Partners



Coming from a colorful background spanning climate science, music, and public relations (and more), Alisa enjoys exploring an even broader swath of industries and companies in her capacity as a tech recruiter, bridging the gaps between what people want to do and where they can achieve it.

Alisa went to Princeton University for the usual number of years and was propelled out the gates by a fledgling songwriting career, a lot of chutzpah, and a brief but deliberate hiatus in common sense. She has strong opinions on electronic music and New York's culinary superiority to any other city in the world. Unless asked to elaborate, her only answer to the question "Where are you from?" is "It's a long story." 

After spending a year with Continuity as a Technical Recruiter Alisa went on to Bounce Exchange, where she is now helping to build out their team from the inside.